It was my best friend’s
deepest, darkest secret and it would be hard one to keep. We had known each other since we were in 6-
Th grade. We were never apart. We were the loud one’s back in middle school. We had always told each other everything. When we got to high school we also went to the same high school. It was the middle of our junior year. We had hit our jack pot, we
hoked up with these two boys. Jenny my
best friend, made the
cuties couple in the school with her boyfriend Zack. Zack was cool, he
wasn’t a good boy, but he
wasn’t a trouble maker
Apparently things between Jake and me
didn’t work-out, so we broke-up. This
didn’t harm the friendship I had with Zack. I remember they had this beach party all the
juniors and only the
juniors. I
didn’t go because I had a
concert to go to. Jenny of
course went she had never missed an event like this
one. I got a call from her a
month later. She told me that her stomach was growing and that she
was afraid that she was
pregnant. We went to buy a
pregnancy test at a store far way from both of our neighborhoods. If she was her parents were going to kill her she was an only child and they expected the best from her. We did the
pregnancy test at my place the thing came out
positive. We
didn’t now what to do. The next day she came crying over to my house, she had told
Zack and he broke-up with her right there and then. I
couldn’t believe this was happening. She said she was going to have an abortion that there was no other way. The only reason I agreed with her was because if her parents found out that the last of her I would see. I remember the day clearly. It was a foggy spring day, when we arrived at the clinic. I
wasn’t going to let her do this alone. When we left I saw in her eyes she was never going to the same.
It’s been ten years since that. Right now Jenny is married and has her “first kid,” he’s thirteen years old. She called me so we could catch up I had seen her since
Christmas, it’s summer now. Were all sitting in the kitchen table and Max, her son ask’s her if she ever had an abortion. I
froze at that moment I
didn’t now what her answer was going to be. He had
sworded that we
weren't going to tell anyone what had happened that day. Now its ten years later and her son
asks her this. She answered him almost crying “No honey I haven’t had an abortion.”
He left the kitchen,
happily. When I had seen he was out of sit I asked her what she was going to do. She
didn’t know I was the only one who knew about this. I felt
suffocate I
didn’t know what to do
eighter. I told her I had to go. As I left and got into my car I see Max, coming to car.
Cindy, you know my mom more than anyone in this world. You can tell me
whether she had an
abortion or not.”
“I can’t tell you does kind of things, I don’t know
“Come on, don’t play with me I
couldn’t help but to over here the conversation you and my had
once I had “left,” the kitchen.”
“I….i don’t know what do tell you.”
I shut my car door and drove off as fast as I could. I
didn’t know what to do. It was her
deepest and darkest secret ever. It had become a hard to keep know. I had forgotten about it. The thing was about 10 years old. She had already made her life up again who was I to tell them what she had done in the past. I still
didn’t know what to do. Later on that night I got I phone call from Max.
Cindy tell me I need to know.”
“Why Max, why should I tell you. Why do you want to even know?”
“ You don’t know but my mom talks in her sleep. She has talked about a son. A son that never got the chance to see what life was. I want to know what she’s talking about. I read in the
Internet that people who sleep talk, talk because it’s something that they want to do, or did and most of the time
regret. I need to know if I was going to have a big brother.”
My hearth just pounded harder and harder it felt as if it was going to come out.
“I’m the right person to tell you that thing if it even happened. I’m not the right person to say something like that to you. You need to understand that.”
“Come on’
Cindy wouldn’t you like to know if your mother had an
abortion and why she did it or what happened?”
froze I did not know how to answer, I…I
couldn't think straight. I had goose bumps.
“I have to go.” I said to him hanging up the phone I
didn’t know what to do. The only thing that came to my mind was to call Jenny and tell her what’s going on.
“Yeah it's
me you sound scared what’s going on
“It’s Max, he keeps asking me if you had..”
“Of course not! We
sworded to each other not to tell.”
“I know but come
tomorrow in the
morning and we both can talk to him about this.”
OK.” As I hung up the phone I din’t know what to
eighther know. If I went I would maybe break a pack that I had with her for so many years. Would Jenny even tell Max? What would happen if her
husband found out? I don’t know. These questions hunted my head I
couldn’t go to sleep. I woke up and got ready to head over to Jenny’d
place. As I walk to the door I stop and wonder to my self if I should go. Tell me what you would do?? Would you go and tell her son or would you stay home and not say anything.